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Ebrahim report 152

Hello. This morning I listened to VOA411-412–413-414-415. I’m thinking about speaking topic. Thanks salamzaban: thank you 🙂

Ebrahim report 150

Hello. I listened to press TV news. I sent you 2 speaking practice. Thanks salamzaban: very good thank you

Ebrahim report 148

Hello. I listened to VOA404-405-406 and press TV. Unfortunately I was very busy during last 2 days. I couldn’t practice English and it made me depress. I hope to send you my speaking practice tomorrow.… Ebrahim report 148

Ebrahim report147

Hello. I started VOA 21 and I listened to VOA401-402-403. I’m thinking about new speaking topics. Thanks salamzaban: very good, do you have any special problems in your speaking?

Ebrahim report 146

Hello. I listened to VOA 398-399-400 and I finished VOA 20. I will start VOA 21 tomorrow. Thanks salamzaban: good job!

Ebrahim report 143

Hello. I listened to VOA395-396-397 and press TV. I am thinking about make up and I hope send my voice tomorrow. Thanks salamzaban: good job