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Ebrahim report 141

Hello. I thought about a topic this afternoon. It was about love. I sent an audio file for you. I found some mistake again when I listened the file. Thanks salamzaban: please don’t focus on… Ebrahim report 141

Ebrahim report140

Hello. Today I listened to VOA 387-388-389-390. I listened to press TV also. Thanks salamzaban: very good

Ebrahim report 138

Hello . I sent a speaking practice for you. I talked about entrance exam because it is a hot issue now a days. It held today and yesterday . Thanks salamzaban: very good

Ebrahim report 138

Hello. I listened to VOA 384-385-386. I am preparing another extra audio file. if you allow me I send it tomorrow. I’m afraid to disturb you by my extra working. Thanks salamzaban: oh no not… Ebrahim report 138

Ebrahim report 134

Hello. I listened to VOA19 and finished it. I sent you my speaking homework. Thanks salamzaban: very good

Ebrahim report 133

Hello. I sent another audio file about miracle for you. I’m very interested in speaking homework. Thank you a lot for your time spending for us. In these two days I searched and learned new… Ebrahim report 133

Ebrahim report 133

Hello. I listened to VOA369-370-371. I thought about your comment about my audio file. I prepared an answer and will send you tomorrow. Thanks salamzaban: thank you