Ebrahim report 132
Hello. I passed two busy days fortunately. Because of it I was inactive during previous days. I only listened to press TV news during working. I received your speaking homework and I thought about it.… Ebrahim report 132
Hello. I passed two busy days fortunately. Because of it I was inactive during previous days. I only listened to press TV news during working. I received your speaking homework and I thought about it.… Ebrahim report 132
Hello. Unfortunately I was very busy yesterday and I only listened to 2sections of VOA 19. Thanks salamzaban: It’s ok
Hello. Today I listened to VOA 364-365-366. I sent you my speaking homework. Thanks salamzaban: thank you
Hello. Tonight I listened to VOA19 361to 363.i practiced for your speaking homework and I hope send it to you tomorrow. Thanks salamzaban: very good
Hello. I listened to VOA 18 today and finished it. Unfortunately your telegram channel deleted unexpectedly from my cell phone. Please send it for me . Thanks salamzaban: salamzaban telegram channel !!!!!!!??
Hello. Today I listened to VOA 328-340 and finished VOA17. I listened to press TV also. Thanks salamzaban: thank you
Hello. Tonight I listened to VOA 321-327 and press TV..I hope to send you my speaking homework during weekend. Thank you salamzaban: very good
Hello. I listened to VOA316-320 and finished VOA16. I will start VOA 17 tomorrow. Tonight is ahya night in Shia religious. We believe that Imam Ali was injured by Ibn molgem at this night. Muslims… Ebrahim report 126
Hello. Today I listened to VOA 311-315 and press TV to. I briefly speak with my little son. Thanks salamzaban: very good
Hello. Today I listened to VOA16 and I finished half of it. I listened to press TV too. Thanks salamzaban: thank you