Ebrahim report 116
Hello. I listened to VOA210-220 and press TV. I read OPD also. I speak English with my little child . I will send you an audio file tomorrow. I had decided to record this night… Ebrahim report 116
Hello. I listened to VOA210-220 and press TV. I read OPD also. I speak English with my little child . I will send you an audio file tomorrow. I had decided to record this night… Ebrahim report 116
Hello. At last I downloaded VOA11 and started its listening. Because of the net speed when I finished VOA10 I tried to download VOA 11 but I wasn’t successful. Today morning I downloaded it and… Ebrahim report 115
Hello. Last nigh I read 5 pages of OPD. I listened to press TV for about 2 hours. Today is weekend and I hope to work on English more if my child allow me. Thanks… Ebrahim report 114
Hello. I listened to press TV for about 2hours I read OPD also. It was about family. I learned some new word. The more interesting word for me was lullaby. Thanks salamzaban: very good 🙂
Hello teacher. I sent you an audio file. It is about the important people in my life. I’m interested to this kind of homework because when you give me a topic I have to think… Ebrahim report 113
Hello. Last night I listened to VOA177-178-179-180 and I finished section nine. I listened to press TV also. Thanks salamzaban: very good
Hello. Today I listened to VOA 172-173-174-175-176 and press TV. I read OPD too. In the evening Tehran was windy. The wind speed was 70 metre per second.in fact we saw a dust storm in… Ebrahim report 111
Hello. Last night I listened to VOA170-171. I listened to press TV and fallow the presidential election result. More than 73% of Iranian nation took part in this election. Mr rouhani choosed as 12th Iranian… Ebrahim report1110
Hello. Yesterday was Election Day in Iran. Presidential and city and village council elections were held. People stood in long line for voteing. They tried to determine their destiny. I voted in the morning .… Ebrahim report 109
Hello. Tonight I went out to see how is the latest night of presidential and city council campaign. City was very crowded and many people like me was in street. They were advertising their candidate.… Ebrahim report 108