Ebrahim report 107
Today I read 4 pages of OPD. I listened to press TV news for about one hour. I listened to VOA169. Thanks salamzaban: thank you
Today I read 4 pages of OPD. I listened to press TV news for about one hour. I listened to VOA169. Thanks salamzaban: thank you
Hello. Today I listened to VOA 1666-167-168 and press TV news. I read OPD too. I send you a writing on your telegram channel. I listened to your advises about present time. Thanks salamzaban: thank… Ebrahim report 106
Hello. Unfortunately I didn’t practice English today because I today was weekend and in the morning I went out with my families and we had good time . In that afternoon I listened to presidential… Ebrahim report 105
Hello. Today I read 3 pages of OPD. I listened to One part of VOA. Part163. Tomorrow is 15th Sha’ban and it is Imam Mahdi our 12th Imam birthday. He is absent but In Shia… Ebrahim report 104
Hello. I listened to VOA 161-162. I read OPD too it was about studying and classroom. Thanks salamzaban: thank you
Hello. I listened to VOA193-194-195-196-197-198-199-200. I read OPD too. I sent you a brief audio file in your telegram. I thanked you for your useful notes. Thank salamzaban: thank you
Hello. I listened to VOA 189-190-191-192. I listened to press TV. I sent an audio file to salamzabanchat. I apologise for delay. I recorded it about 2 month ago but I couldn’t send it for… Ebrahim report 102
Hello. Today morning I listened to VOA 185-186-187-188 at work. I read OPD too. Thanks salamzaban: thank you please send me English voice: @salamzabanhelp
Hello. Today I listened to Press TV and read OPD. I watched 2nd presidential debate. It was about cultural and political issues. Today weather was rainy especially in the evening we saw a heavy rain… Ebrahim report 100