دهمین گزارش کار _فاطمه_۲۰ خرداد
Hello concelur Today I read 2 part of american courts Last night I see English dream but it was very short! I glad for this I speak with my partner and exercise one part of… دهمین گزارش کار _فاطمه_۲۰ خرداد
Hello concelur Today I read 2 part of american courts Last night I see English dream but it was very short! I glad for this I speak with my partner and exercise one part of… دهمین گزارش کار _فاطمه_۲۰ خرداد
Hi conselur Today I can read 3 part of OPD. I try to think with English word and read lesson 9 of american course and lesson 7 of lelts title. salamzaban: very good
Hello teacher I read lessons 6 of leven 1. Until now most of vocab are familiar for me and because of it I don’t know in future day i t may be that I forget… هشتمین گزارش کار من_فاطمه۱۸ خرداد
Hello Today I can just read lesson 5 of level 1 from Ielts, Tofle course! Because I have headache… But it can not inhibits me from doing my duty You are best… salamzaban: I hope… هفتمین گزارش کار من _فاطمه_۱۷ خرداد
Hi Today i read lesson8 and speak with my partner in chat room.Unfortunatly i can think by English today.I read lesson 3 of level1 Ielts,tofle course too Yyyy salamzaban: very good
Hi Today I read lesson 7 of American course. Antil now I think that thinking by English mean that I most to creat a sentence!!! But today I found that was a mistake and I… پنجمین گزارش کار من_فاطمه_۱۵ خرداد
Hi Today I have more time to study English.At first I read lesson 6 of American course then I study 1part of OPD.I try to think English and for this reason I hunger lable in… چهارمین گزارش کار من-فاطمه ۱۴ خرداد
Hi Today I finished lesson 5 and joint to chat group.Also i read 3 lessons of OPD and try to think English.For reinforce my learning process I decided to read an article related to… سومین گزارش کار من_فاطمه_۱۳ خرداد
Hi !Today I read two part of lesson 5 carefully. I like your method because it encouraged me to continue + Be more successful… salamzaban: good job
Hello everyone I joined to Salamzaban recently and i am happy for this! I study 4 lessons because the content was very simple for me.Of course i decided that read just 1 lesson from now!… اولین گزارش کار من_فاطمه_۱۱خرداد۹۶