دوره اول امریکن
نیازی نیست من جای شما باشم و خودت تو حاشیه هستی نه من. من کلا به خاطر رفتار شما زبان رو کنار میزارم . سلام زبان: هرگز بخاطر رفتار اشتباه کسی چیزی رو کنار نذارید… دوره اول امریکن
نیازی نیست من جای شما باشم و خودت تو حاشیه هستی نه من. من کلا به خاطر رفتار شما زبان رو کنار میزارم . سلام زبان: هرگز بخاطر رفتار اشتباه کسی چیزی رو کنار نذارید… دوره اول امریکن
سلام، خانم معلم من از روز اول به انگليسي تكاليفم رو نوشتم و سعي كردم خوب عمل كنم ولي شما فقط ميگيد خوبه يا ايراد ميگيريد اون هفته من اين همه نوشتم شما هيچ عكس… سلام، خانم معلم من از روز اول به انگليسي تكاليفم…
Hi. Lesson 7. فعل امر for request or suggestion or instruction relax open your book listen to the cd don’t worry close the door it is my pen. it is on the desk. the loaf… first american course
Hi. lesson 8. what do you do or what is your job. for example I am a doctor/ a vet/ a dentist/ a server/ an engineer. what is her job what is his jobs what… first american course
Hi. I studied lesson 9. I can use present simple tense when I want to talk about things that do every day/ every week/ every morning/ every night or y habits or my rotines for… first american course
Hi. I studied lesson 10. It was about have / has. I have a book. You have a book. She has a book. Do you have a horse. Dose he has black hair. How old… first american course
Hi. I studied lesson 11 . It was about time. For example it is five thirty or it is thirty to six. about time we can say what time is it. am pm in the… first american course
Hi. I studied lesson 1 to 3 again. I think English is like fish in my hand that sometimes forget some words and need repeat and repeat until don’t lose it. I studied about this,… First american course
Hi my teacher. I studied pages 86 to 90 Opd and heard voices. It was good. I did not know some words. When I go to the party I can put on high heels but… First american course
Hello my teacher. Are you ok what is your name It is good that you are beside me but I need you give me feedback about my homework for example it is very good isn’t… The firest american course