Hi I listened to VOA 6 completely . Unfortunately I couldn’t study at all because these days I’m very busy. Special thanks Salamzaban because when I can’t study I can listen to listening files while… Heidaripoor-95/12/15-118
Hi I listened to VOA 6 completely . Unfortunately I couldn’t study at all because these days I’m very busy. Special thanks Salamzaban because when I can’t study I can listen to listening files while… Heidaripoor-95/12/15-118
Hi I studied five vocabularies of lesson two in level one and I wrote all of the words that I didn’t learn them several times but unfortunately these days I listen to VOA so I… Heidaripoor-2017/03/02-33
Hi I studied third review from lesson one in level two and check true answer for its question. I saw lesson fourteen of Mr. Coach on the site. By the way I wrote my reports… Heidaripoor-95/12/11-117
Hi I translated a page of a book from English to Persian, it was very interesting experience for me, I didn’t do that before. But these days I’m very busy and upset because my son… Heidaripoor-95/12/10-116
Hi I’m so sorry but I’m very busy these days but I listened to VOA 5 completely and I speak with partners in our group but I think the members in the group are very… Heidaripoor-95/12/08-115
Hi I saw lesson thirteen of Mr coach . I studied page 53 of OPD in second time in my studying OPD. I studied two parts of third review in lesson one in level two… Heidaripoor-95/11/30-114
Hi I’m so sorry I forgot to answer your question about Mehra, she’s fine but she’s very busy these days and I’m sure she also miss you. I studied the text of lesson two in… Heidaripoor-2017/02/17-32
Hi I saw lesson twelve of Mr coach. I studied two parts of third review from lesson one in level two and I answered its questions. I spoke with one of the members of our… Heidaripoor-95/11/29-113
Hi I studied four paragraphs of lesson two in level one carefully. I wrote each hard vocabularies several times, it helps me to memorize them better. Of course this way takes time but I love… Heidaripoor-2017/02/16-31
Hi I saw lesson eleven of Mr. Coach and its subject explains my situation in this week ” I had a long week ” unfortunately. I studied part second review of lesson one in level… Heidaripoor-95/11/27-112