hurrah!!!! because of my practinig and thinking in enlish, I had a dream in enlish last night….I think its a success for me…hurrah… salamzaban: congratulations 🙂 very good
hurrah!!!! because of my practinig and thinking in enlish, I had a dream in enlish last night….I think its a success for me…hurrah… salamzaban: congratulations 🙂 very good
Hi…..I came back. I was sick these days, therfore I couldnt practice. but im now a few better. today I sutdied lessons to 8th. Im practinig. salamzaban: that’s too bad we are glad you feel… 7-leilaz1363
I was very busy today,I had got many works to do therefor I could study my 6th lesson for a short time. perhaps I cant write any report tomarrow but surely will study and practice… 6-leilaz1363
dear salamzaban hello. its my new report. I have anothar one today. I colud study lesson 4 and 5 too. now I need a partner to talking and converstion and thinking in enlish and practice… 5-leilaz1363
its my 4th report. lesson 3, I think this lesson is an interesting one. yesteday I was thinking in english. my mom said: ” are you well my doughter” yes, I am) I said. but … 4-leilaz1363
good morning… i studied my 2th lesson. its so easy. . have an question: who is my partner? i want to practice with salamzaban: for having partners, you need to finish lesson 5
I studied my first lesson and enjoyed. but i had some problems because of my computer! i coludnt hear any of sounds!!! salamzaban: please contact us via telegram: @salamzabanchat
hi all. im here. but what i should do now. im ready to start salamzaban: Hi, dear friend I’m your instructor during this course I hope we could enjoy learning English together! you can ask… 1-leilaz1363