گزارش 18-مرتضی-تهران-23 بهمن
Hi my dear master, Unfortunately I had a bad headache & I couldn’t study & write my report. But I tryied thinking in english.Today I’ve studied part of lesson 9 & studied & recorded another… گزارش 18-مرتضی-تهران-23 بهمن
Hi my dear master, Unfortunately I had a bad headache & I couldn’t study & write my report. But I tryied thinking in english.Today I’ve studied part of lesson 9 & studied & recorded another… گزارش 18-مرتضی-تهران-23 بهمن
Hi: I’ve finished lesson 8 & I stuied OPD. I did a thing that I like to know you’r opinion about it. I read some pages of OPD & recorded them in my cellphone.then I… گزارش17-مرتضی-تهران-20 بهمن
Hi: Unfortunately I only studied part of unit 8,although it was usefull but I couldn’t think in english. salamzaban: no problem, thank you
Hi: I’ve finishedd lesson 7 & studied another page of OPD , but my problem for thinking in english in the day is when I am working or doing other thing I had to foccuse… گزارش 15-مرتضی-تهران-18 بهمن
Hi: I review pages of OPD that I’ve studied & studied another page of it.I studied half of lesson 7 too. salamzaban: thank you
Hi my dear master: I’ve studied another page of OPD & I tryed to think in english but I forgot sometimes. While I chated with a student for conversation. salamzaban: no problem, please listen to… گزارش 13-مرتضی-تهران-16 بهمن
Hi my dear master: I’ve studied another page of OPD and it was about fruits like ;bunch of grape,cantaloupes,cherries,raspberries,watemelone,prunes,raisins. And I began to watch cartoon & newschannels like pressTV or CNN. salamzaban: during this level,… گزارش 12-مرتضی-تهران-15 بهمن
Hi: Today was a very beautiful & snowy day.I & my went out in snow.I weared parka,gloves,scarf&boots.My wife weared a overcoat,wool scarf,gloves&boots too. But about my english practice ; I’ve studied another page of OPD… گزارش 11-مرتضی-تهران-14 بهمن
Hi; I’ve studied another page of OPD today & began lesson 6. salamzaban: thank you
Hi my dear friend; I’ve finished lesson 5 & 2 pages of OPD session 5. I’ve listened & read all things in telegram that you have sent today. It was very usefull & exciting.thank u… گزارش 9-مرتضی-تهران-12 بهمن