گزارش 8-مرتضی-تهران-11 بهمن
Hi my dear friend & thank you for you’r guidance: Althogh I was very busy today ,but I began study OPD . salamzaban: Hi, thank you for your report
Hi my dear friend & thank you for you’r guidance: Althogh I was very busy today ,but I began study OPD . salamzaban: Hi, thank you for your report
Hello: I’ve studied most of lesson5 & I have two questoins. The first one is the meaning of” what a shame?” & the second one is about OPD. In lesson 5 I have to begin… گزارش 7-مرتضی-تهران-10 بهمن
Hi & thank you for you’r email: I’ve finished lesson 4 & began lesson 5 but I dont know when & how to start & use the OPD book , please guide me .thanks salamzaban:… گزارش 6-مرتضی-تهران-9 بهمن
song , you’re beautiful: my life if brought you,my life is pure,I saw in nature ,of that I’m sure,she is smiling me on the subway,she was with another man,but I want lose no sleep on… گزارش 5-مرتضی-تهران -موسیقی -6 بهمن
Hi, my name is morteza.I live in tehran. I am a civil engineering and I work for myself. I’ve married about eight years ago but I dont have any childeren. I love doing sport… گزارش 4-مرتضی-تهران -معرفی -6 بهمن
:Hi my dear master I studied unit 3 today but I have a question about thinking in english and it’s that when I want think in english and I dont know the meaning of something… گزارش 3-مرتضی-تهران-4 بهمن
Hello I decided to write my reaports in english. please help me and correct my mistakes. thanks alot I studied lesson two & tried to say some of the things that I wanted so say… گزارش 2-مرتضی-تهران-1 بهمن
سلام من امروز دوره امریکن 1 را شروع کردم. تمام مطالب پیش نیاز را مطالعه کردم . درس 1 را خواندم. و حواسم به انگلیسی فک کردن هم بود سلام زبان: سلام، به جمع ما… گزارش 1-مرتضی-تهران-30 دی