گزارش سیزدهم-سعید-7 بهمن ماه-تهران
I listened to lessons 9 and 10 of level 4. The word were almost easy for me. Thanks a lot salamzaban: thank you
I listened to lessons 9 and 10 of level 4. The word were almost easy for me. Thanks a lot salamzaban: thank you
I accomplished lessons 7 and 8 of level 4. They were not very hard for me. Thanks, salamzaban: very good, thank you
I reviewed almost all materials of American Course, level 1. Most of lessons were very easy for me and I need to go a higher level. Considering studying TOEFL course, please let me know if I need to… گزارش چهارم-سعید- 5 بهمن ماه -تهران
Today, I reviewed level 3 and listened to lessons 5 and 6 of level 4. I knew over 85 percent of all words. Thanks. salamzaban: very good
I accomplished lessons 3 and 4 of level 4. Lessons 3 was good, but over 40 percent of words of lesson 4 were not familiar to me. Best salamzaban: you need to review level 3… گزارش دهم- سعید-چهارم بهمن ماه-تهران
I had a mistake. I listened to lesson 1 of level 4 on the first of Bahman. Also I listened to lesson 2 of level 4. About 20 percent of words was not familiar to… گزارش نهم-سعید-سوم بهمن ماه- تهران
I was wrong. I listened to lesson 1 of level 4 on the first of Bahman. Also I listened to lesson 2 of level 4 today. There were 4 new words that was not familiar… I was wrong. I listened to lesson 1 of level…
Thanks for activating lessons of level 3. I accomplished lessen 1 of level 3. Unlike previous lessens, there were some words that were not familiar for me. So, I spent more time to learn them.… گزارش هشتم-سعید-اول دیماه-تهران
Thanks for your feedback and your reply to my question. Today, I considered your recommendation, so tried to skim over lessons and levels. I listened to four lessons including lesson 8 of level 2, lesson… گزارش هفتم-سعید-29 دیماه – تهران
I accomplished lesson 7 of level 1. I addition, I should give you a comment about fourth report: Many thanks for your feedback. You are right. I was a bit rushed and could not to describe… گزارش ششم-سعید-28 دیماه