hello studing of lesson 12 finishd. I want to start the 13 now. unfortunately, I don’t think in english so far becuse it often forget. I decided to set alarm on my smartphone to notify… R19-960216
hello studing of lesson 12 finishd. I want to start the 13 now. unfortunately, I don’t think in english so far becuse it often forget. I decided to set alarm on my smartphone to notify… R19-960216
Hello. today I study lesson 11. capture 2 of OPD not studied. I often forget to thinking in english. can you give me a solution ? thank you salamzaban: listen to the audio files a… R17-960205
Hi. I usually forgot 30-40 % of studied words of OPD. Should I reveiw allways or not? Today I study capture 7 of OPD, community. Thank you salamzaban: no you don’t need but you can… R16-960204
hello. today, I studied lesson 10. but the OPD not studied. it will be study later. In the writing part of lesson 10, you said : write your name. my full name is Milad Sadeghian.… R15-960203
Hi. I finished studing OPD book (capture 9 – work) ,today. thank you salamzaban: do you listen to the audio files?
Hi, today, I studied lesson 9. I want to read capter 9 of OPD tomorrow. Do you like my new profile picture? It is taken by me at spring evening last year. it’s a photo… R13-960130
Hello I studied all parts of lesson 8, on 27,28 and 29 farvardin 96. salamzaban: very good
Hi. Yesterday and today, I can’t study anythings. I try to compensate later. Thank you salamzaban: no problem, thank you