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Mina_Ghorbani – Report15

Hi,I study lesson 14 . I always have problem with Address. In my opinion address is hard. salamzaban: OK for the next conversation that we are going to have together, we will practice it

Mina_Ghorbani – Report10

hello, I think english and study until lesson 8. I don’t know this is agree or disagree. last night I dream that I chat with salam zaban’s teacher salamzaban: really!!!! very interesting!

Mina_Ghorbani – Report09

فکر می کنم سایت ی مشکلی پیدا کرده. قسمت هایی که پلیر داره کار نمی کنن . سلام زبان: بله همکاران زحمت کشیدن درستش کردن و الان مشکل رفع شده ببخشید که اذیت شدید

Mina_Ghorbani – Report07

Hi, I studied lesson 6 and some parts of OPD season 5. but I forget some words. salamzaban: don’t worry, it’s normal in this level please try to take OPD book with you every where