hi salam zaban i listen the mor conversation becuse i have littel time. i have trouble whritig about the time and prepositions;(. salamzaban: what do you mean? could you explain me more please? do you need help?
hi salam zaban i listen the mor conversation becuse i have littel time. i have trouble whritig about the time and prepositions;(. salamzaban: what do you mean? could you explain me more please? do you need help?
hi salam zaban unfortunately very busy and not much time to read in enghlish.we work too much last year and very tired only then would i look book .unfortunately i cant because or fatique at i… reporeport-17nikan-alborz20feb2017
I have read just 3 pages of opd book I review last lesson I had a lot of work today I’m very tired salamzaban: get rest, thank you for report
hi salam zaban I talked with my friends about snowfall today,Review lesson 10 i read four pages of the opd book :-(Recorded your voice,my voice was very bad I’m so tired when I type in… reporeport-15nikan-alborz13feb2017
Hi salam zaban Today I listened more conversation level one and conversation topic restaurant,i review last practice,i I read the opd book anywhere the like salamzaban: good job, thank you
hi salam zaban i finished my lessons22. today talking wiht friends telegram about flowers. i read opd but confused. what do you suggest you read more? salamzaban: please just focus on American course and OPD listen… reporeport-13nikan-alborz11feb2017
hi salam zaban i lesten to conversation about resturant and i read lesson 20 and21 i could alone solve the exersise lesson21 do not come to my book اشکال نداره از google translate استفاده میکنم ؟ یه کم بهتر… reporeport-12nikan-alborz7feb2017
Hi salam zaban I had to stay at home because Cache a cold now I lesson to the conversation level 1 I review the last practice Please correct mistake salamzaban: we usually don’t correct the… reporeport-11nikan-alborz6feb2017
Hi salami zaban Sorry for last week because I was in trip and cache cold and i have to stay at home but today homework, lessonThe Conversation and wrote may writhing I want to yazd… reporeport-10nikan-alborz5feb2017
سلام زبان من چند روز گذشته یزد بودم جشن سده و متاسفانه نت خوبی نداشتم از فردا ادامه میدم .و سعی میکنم گزارش از یزد هم انگلیسی بنویسم. سلام زبان: جشن سده چیه؟ ممنون می… reporeport-9nikan-alborz31jan2017