رضا – گزارش نوزدهم-28اردیبهشت – تهران
hello I reviewed lesson 10 tonight I had a busy day and did not practice opd but I retaliate tomorrow see you soon thank you salamzaban: thank you
hello I reviewed lesson 10 tonight I had a busy day and did not practice opd but I retaliate tomorrow see you soon thank you salamzaban: thank you
hello I reviewed lesson 9 tonight and I read a story books I record a part of this story book and send with you via telegram tomorrow see you soon thank you salamzaban: very good
hello I started to read a story book of English language this is a crime story see you soon thank you salamzaban: not now please during this level just focus on OPD and American course
hello I reviewed lesson 8 tonight I listen to English music and I think about means see you soon thank you salamzaban: thank you
hello I read opd tonight about bank and library and recorded 3 voice for you in the telegram see you soon thank you for you’r support salamzaban: very good
Hello I reviewed lesson 5 to 7 tonight I record a new voice and send for you tomorrow via telegram thank you see you soon salamzaban: thank you so much
hello I reviewed lesson 1 to 5 tonight it’s very easy now and very important I well review lesson 5 to 7 tomorrow see you soon thank you salamzaban: good job
HELLO I finished all lessons and started to review for lesson 1 to 21 I want recorded one voice to you every day thank you see you soon salamzaban: excellent
Hello I study lesson 21 today and practice opd and recorded one voice and send for you via telegram see you soon salamzaban: very good, thank you
hello i recorded one sound and sent for you via telegram tonight and I’m studying lesson 18 see you soon thank you salamzaban: I think you sent it for Admin my Id is: @salamzabanhelp no problem… رضا – گزارش دهم -11اردیبهشت – تهران