گزارش پنجاه و هفتم-21فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello,22nd unit was studied.How new vocabs astonished me!!like;peel that means look!!! or steer that means drive!!Oh,I couldn’t study more than one lesson,my mind is busy with new words. salamzaban: well done
Hello,22nd unit was studied.How new vocabs astonished me!!like;peel that means look!!! or steer that means drive!!Oh,I couldn’t study more than one lesson,my mind is busy with new words. salamzaban: well done
Hello nice counselor,two lessons(20th & 21st) were studied step by step.A lot of new vocabularies.I have a question; Why some examples have (ing) after (to)? like: Grandfather is accustomed to reading the newspaper… or :… گزارش پنجاه و ششم-20 فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello dear counselor,Ihad studied threr units those are 17th,18th & 19th lesson ‘s of third level.You know reading of some lessons is delightful for me because of new vacabs that are synonyms of the words… گزارش پنجاه و پنج-19 فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello,I had studied two units(15th & 16th) of third level.Lots of amusement vocabs like(sorrow ,straw and swell),my mind was off when I wanted to remember their pronunciation ,especially in British speaking.(literary and liberty) because of… گزارش پنجاه و چهارم-18 فروردبن-سمیه-شیراز
Hello dear teacher,Ihad studied three units today(12th,13th & 14th) of level three.Good new words,variety of meaning for some vocabs that I knew in past.I have a question:Isn’t it better that I finish all levels then… گزارش پنجاه و سوم-17فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello dear counselor,I was hosted in new year because of that I couldn’t study.Units 10th &11th of third level were studied today.Many nice and benefit vocabs.Thanks salamzaban: Hi my dear friend welcome back we missed… گزارش پنجاه و دوم-16 فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello,9th unit was studied,many new words(16 of 20 vocabs) ,I had read this lesson more than one hour.Finally,learned that. salamzaban: very good, thank you so much
Hello,two units(7th & 8th)were studied step by step,and reviewed carefully.Thanks alot.But I do not know how could I be able to use them in my writing ,I mean that I should think about voabs exactly… گزارش پنجاه-5فروردین-سمیه-شیراز
Hello,I had studied two units during this day,5th & 6th lessons of third level were finished carefully. salamzaban: very good thank you
Hello,happy new year.At first day of Farvardin first lesson of third level was started.Many new words among this story were amusing and made me tired of studying. salamzaban: thank you so much happy new year… گزارش چهل و هفتم-1 فروردین-سمیه-شیراز