Hi I watched parts of 11 and 12 of lost movie. sure, I will send voice next days salamzaban: thank you
Hi I watched parts of 11 and 12 of lost movie. sure, I will send voice next days salamzaban: thank you
Hi I watch 6 to 10 parts of season two of lost movie. good night salamzaban: please send me English voice massage every day: @salamzabanhelp
Hi parts of 3,4,5 of season two lost movie was my practice today. bye- bye salamzaban: thank you
Hello I watch one and two parts of season 2 lost movie. I will continue it to end season two then start lesson of level 2 with movie and other practices. good bye salamzaban:. thank… tttn-report19-04-02-96-Tehran
Hi To end of lost movie season one was my practice. good night salamzaban: thank you
Hi parts of 18 to 21 of lost movie was my practice today. good afternoon salamzaban: thank you
Hello when that I start level 2, I was worry very much because I think can not learn listening but I saw your plan in lesson one I beginning with watch movie and find it… tttn-report16-31-01-96-Tehran
Hi I watch 14 and 15 parts of movie of lost. good evening salamzaban: thank you did you read anything?
Hi sections 11-13 of season one of lost movie was my practice today. thank for edit. good night salamzaban: thank you
Hi yes, I can understand more everyday and it is enjoyable so I prefer it continue. Watch of sections 9 and 10 was my practice today. I,m sorry. I write uncorrected date and number of… tttn-report13-28-01-96-Tehran