Hi watch movies of lost to s8 my practice today. good evening salamzaban: can you understand it?
Hi watch movies of lost to s8 my practice today. good evening salamzaban: can you understand it?
Hello lesson one to favorite food part and watch movies of 5-1 lost was my practice today. bye salamzaban: very good
Hi today, I understand more sentences of movie. I be hope. good evening salamzaban: what a good news!
Hi 3 other part of lesson 1 and semester 2-1 lost movie were my practice today but I understand only one percent of film. thanks bye salamzaban: please listen to the audio files a lot… tttn-report7-23-01-96-Tehran
Hi 3 part of leeson one and lost film semester1 and listening was my practice today bye salamzaban: thank you
Hello listening & movie were my practices today. thank salamzaban: thank you
Hi من لیسینیگ ادامه دادم ولی متاسفانه فایلها باز نمیشه نمیدونم لپ تاپ من نرم افزاری نداره یا چی؟ البته وقتی میخوام دانلود کنم یه تصاویری میاره که باید مچ کنی تا تایید بشه و… tttn-R3-20-1-96-Tehran
Hi I practise reading and writing and watch a movie thank bye salamzaban: you shouldn’t watch movie in this level