report1-tttn-17th Farvardin96-Tehran
Hi I start level 2 today. I studied lesson one to A great place to visit… good evening salamzaban: congratulations thank you
Hi I start level 2 today. I studied lesson one to A great place to visit… good evening salamzaban: congratulations thank you
Hi I studied four parts of sixteenth lesson. I exusme, now I see report last night and notice I have misspelling. I writt report by means of cellphon a occur error in type… tttn-report54-Tehran
I am sorry because I couldn’t send report yestreen. I studied lesson fivteenth to end. ansower to your u that asked form me how I usully study. I more listen. It is very… tttn-report53-Tehran
Hi I studied lesson fourteenth to end. good bye salamzaban: how do you usually study lessons?
Hi I watch clip of lesson thirteenth and studied one part of lesson fourteenth. I beginig it at seven after six and ended ten to seven p.m. good night salamzaban: very good thank you!
Hello I studied two parts of lesson thirteen and fund that it has very more poinit that I don’ t notice them good night salamzaban: sometimes reviewing lessons after a while is a good idea!… tttn-report49-19/10/95
Hi I am happy beacuse I am member of salamzaban. although I can’t practice during all day. Now I’m glad for emprovement in listening skill but I need to m much. I studied twellve lesson… tttn-report48-18/10/95
Hi I studied lesson 11 to reviwe bye salamzaban: are you practicing for speaking?