My seventh report.96.3.12….venus2242
Hi my dear instructor. I hope that you spent a good day.Today I reviewed lessons 1 and 2 and also finished lessons 3 and 4 of American course. … My seventh report.96.3.12….venus2242
Hi my dear instructor. I hope that you spent a good day.Today I reviewed lessons 1 and 2 and also finished lessons 3 and 4 of American course. … My seventh report.96.3.12….venus2242
Hello my dear instructor.Today I just finish lesson two and read some parts of lesson three and also some pages of opd book.In lesson two you said that with new words write a text but… My sixth report.96.2.16….venus2242
Hi my dear instructor.I hope to spend a good vacation. I’m at home yet because we postpone our trip to tehran for two days. Today I just finish lesson one and start lesson two.I have… My five report.96.2.15….venus2242
Hi my dear instructor. Today I am so busy because tomorrow I have a trip to tehran for three or four days.My mother is patient and I get a turn of doctor for her.I don’t… My forth report.96.2.14….venu2242
Hi my dear instructor. Today we had guestes, we gather together and have a good day inside each other and also I do my daily works like cook the food and wash the dishes etc….… My third report.96.2.13…venus2242
Hi my dear instructor. I have an excuse for didn’t write my daily works reports.My first report was about one week ago.During this days I weren’t so busy in other words I must say I… my second report.96.2.12…..venus2242
I send you a report it was about one page but think I delete it I’m so sad I will try to write it tomorrow again.have a good night salamzaban: frustrating! thank you for… my second report( .96.2.12.venus2242
Hello. Today I study lesson 1 but I can not finish it until now salamzaban: Hi, dear friend I’m your instructor during this course I hope we could enjoy learning English together! you can ask… My first report(96.2.5).venus2242