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Home » ebrahim report 38

ebrahim report 38

Hello. of course I think he will be dangerous for all world. he was a business man and he doesn’t have any political experiences before. he doesn’t have a stable personality. he want to wall between USA and mexico this is the other strange decision that he made. now a days we cant separate nations by wall . today we saw many demonstration against these decision even in the USA. many people around the world support muslims and I hope these decisions change after a few days. but Trump are unpredictable .I heard some bad news today for example tow old people want to visit their children arrested in the airport. I’m worried about the future . Thanks



I’m very busy so unfortunately I don’t have time to follow the news. in this was, he must be a crazy man!!

so how did American nation elect him as a president?

and in political system of US, can every one nominate himself for presidency?

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