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Home » Heidaripoor-95/10/16-82



Thank you for your advices about studying English and be with Aria, I try to do that.

I studied lesson 1 from level 2 part 9 and answered it’s question. I speak with my partners in group and I follow Salamzaban channel and I try to think in English with Aria. I studied OPD to page 51 in second time.  I’m very happy because I have Salamzaban to help me and give me guidance. Thank God for this thousands time.

Maryam Heidaripoor:

Lesson 1/ level 2/ Thank U/ part 9

B. Did each person like his or her trip? Why or why not?

1. Olivia liked her trip because she saw an exciting play.

2. Ichiro liked his trip because it was a fun trip.

3. Brian didn’t like his trip because his brother’s apartment was quiet and kind of boring.

4. Eleanor liked her trip because the trip was interesting.


have you noticed your sentences got more complicated?

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