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my second report.96.2.12…..venus2242

Hi my dear instructor. I have an excuse for didn’t write my daily works reports.My first report was about one week ago.During this days I weren’t so busy in other words I must say I just waste my time. I just try to think about some simple words like Window and door etc…After three days that I repeat that words slowly l feel that I would like to know the name of things that daily dealing with them , how can I say it in english language? Mr Matin sent me a pdf of opd book but I don’t like to read books with mobile and also I had a bilingual opd book that Mr Matin said to me use monolingual opd book instead of it so I go to bookstore and buy a monolingual one.It was a new starting and I read some words of different chapters and also I seek some words in opd book that I see in my house and try to think them in English until last night I had a dream that I could speak few words and sentences in english but most of my dream was in Persian. That dream had me a positive energy for having a good day.I read some words from opd book and try to think them in english then I join chat group and try to speak english  with my freinds but I don’t study lessons of website. I’m so glad that be familiar with you and this website before it I can’t believe my self but today I’m sure that I can speak english if I try. Excuse me for this long report it was about what happened to me these days.have a good night


I’m glad that you explained every thing for me

thank you so much

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