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سوال و جواب در مورد زندگی دانشگاهی

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سوال و جواب در مورد زندگی دانشگاهی



در زیر نمونه سوال وجواب هایی که معمولا در مورد دانشگاه پرسیده می شود را آورده ایم

Number 1

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“What high school did you attend?”

Before we answer this question, keep in mind that a foreigner will not be asked this question. Usually they will not ask a foreigner because they think that they will not know the high school you mention. But it is still good to know how to say such things.

“I went to Lynnwood High.”
“Lynnwood High”
“I went to a high school in San Francisco.”
“A high school in Olympia.”

“What are you going to major in?”
“I haven’t decided, but I’m leaning towards biology.”
“I’m thinking about majoring in psychology.”

Universities in the States are a little different than others. You don’t choose your major until you are in your 3rd year. Basically, you apply to get into a major your junior year and if accepted, you have a major. If you get turned down, you have to find a different major, or spend another semester or year trying to get in. That’s why you see so many people not graduate after 4 years. The problem is that they do not know what to major in.

“How many credits are you taking?”
“I’m taking eighteen credits this quarter.”
“I’m only taking 10 credits this semester.”
“I’m taking 20 credits this semester.

“What classes are you taking?”
“I’m taking chemistry 135, math 231, and English 101.”
“This quarter I’m taking Intro to Sociology, Basics of Music Composition, and Spanish 101.”

“What year are you?”
“I’m a junior.”
“I’m a freshman.”
“I’m a fourth year junior.”
“I’m a fifth year senior.”

“What is an easy class to take?”
“Fishing 101 is an easy 4.0”
“I thought psychology 101 was an easy class.”
“Communication is pretty easy if you’re not afraid to make speeches.”

“Where is the best place to hang out?”
“The best place to hang out is on the Ave.”
“Currently, the bar on 4th and James is the best hangout. Everyone goes there on the weekends.”

“Are you in the dormitory?”
“Yeah. I’m over at Terry Hall.”
“Yes. At Buchanan Towers.”
“No. I’m commuting from home.”
“I have an apartment right next to school.”

“Where do you live?”
“You know the McDonalds on the south side? Just 2 blocks from there.”
“I live next to the west entrance. There are some apartments behind the dormitories.”
“I live in the dormitory.”
“I live in Seattle.”

“Why did you decide to come to this school?”
“It was the most convenient.”
“It was either this school or the University next to my home. I wanted to get away from home, so I came here.”
“I researched a bit, and found that this school offers exactly what I am looking for.”
“This is the best school that I could afford.”

“Do you know where the music building is?”
“The music building is 2 buildings away from the library.”
“Over by the fountain. It’s the building with the round looking doors.”
“I’m not sure. There are maps in the Student Union Building though.”
“I think it’s over in that direction, but not exactly sure.”

 If you wonder how you can be a fourth year junior or a fifth year senior, you must understand that the number of credits you have completed represents what level you are. So a fourth year junior is someone who has been in school for four years, but has the same credits as a junior.

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