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صحبت در مورد استعفا ازشغل یا مرخصی گرفتن به زبان انگلیسی

صحبت در مورد استعفا ازشغل یا مرخصی گرفتن به زبان انگلیسی


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لطفا یک بار فایل صوتی را گوش دهید پس از آن فایل را همراه متن مکالمه گوش نمایید


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Quitting or Leaving Work

When the time comes to leave work, you can do whatever you want. You can raise hell, say you hate everyone and yell out, ‘I quit!!!’ But in other cases when you want to leave professionally, you can use this lesson to help.

There’s a common phrase when you are leaving a company. ‘Don’t burn the bridge.’

This is basically saying you should leave on a good term. If you leave on a good note, then you have the option of coming back to the company or your position if something goes wrong with your next job. So basically, you are leaving the bridge back to your position.

If you are leaving because you have an offer from a different company, here are some professional statements you can make to your manager.


وقتی پیشنهاد جدید کاری برایتان پیش بیاید باید از شغل قبلی خود استعفا کنیدنمونه ای از جملاتی که می توانید استفاده کنید

“Hi Mark, I have a wonderful opportunity to work at a different company. I enjoyed my time here, but I shouldn’t pass this up. I am putting in my two week notice.”

“Hi Mark, unfortunately I have to tell you that I am leaving the company. I really enjoyed my time here and I appreciated all your help on my tasks. I have to put in my two week notice.”

“Hi Mark, I received an offer from a different company. This is a great opportunity for me so I accepted the offer. My decision on leaving is not because I didn’t like my duties here. I really enjoyed my experience. But I am at a point where I want to find other challenges. I hope you can understand.”

بعضی وقت ها برای بودن در کنار خانواده احتیاج به مرخصی دارید اگر کارمند خوبی باشید مدت قابل توجه ای می توانید به مرخصی بروید

“Mark, I have decided to leave the company. I have worked here for 10 years and I really enjoyed it. But I want to take a break and spend more time with my family. So I am putting in my two week notice.”

“Hi Mark, I have come to a decision to leave the company. I am going to travel for a year and this is the best time period for me to do so. I always wanted to travel for an extended time period, and this is the only time I can do it. I can work for another month, so hopefully that should give you some time to find a replacement. And if you want, I can train the new employee on my areas.”

به توافق رسیدن قبل از استعفا از کار از مواردی است که مانع از استفعا می شود

“Hi Mark, I am at a crossroad in my career. I have recently interviewed with a different company and they extended an offer to me. I haven’t decided yet, but I wanted to tell you before coming to a decision.”

در این لحظه ممکن است از شما بخواهند که بمانید پس شما می توانید سوالات خود را مطرح کنید

“If I didn’t like this company, it would be an easy decision, but I really like it here. However, I have been asking to take on Program Management responsibilities here. Also, they are offering me a 6 percent higher salary than my current pay. Can anything be done about these two things?

“Hi Mark, I have been thinking about moving back to my home town. I have a job lined up, but I haven’t decided yet. I wanted to let you know before I make my final decision.”

عبارات عمومی گه هنگام استعفا دادن می توانید به همکارانتان بگویید

“Next Friday is my last day.”
“I already put in my two week notice.”
“I’m leaving the company.”

“I accepted a job offer from ABC Company. This Friday will be my last day here.”

“I’m leaving this dump.”
“I would’ve left a lot sooner but I had to get a job lined up first.”
“I got screwed here so many times. I don’t want to work here anymore. My last day is this Friday.”

“It was great working with you. I wish you the best on this project.”
“I had a wonderful time here. I wish the best for you.”
“I really enjoyed working with you. I’ll send you my personal email so keep in touch.”

وقتی همکارتان درحال ترک اداره است می توانید از چنین عباراتی استفاده کنید

“I hope you enjoy your new job. Let me know if they have any another opening.”
“Good luck in your new job. We’ll keep your seat warm for you in case you want to return.”
“Hey Jack, good luck with your new job and save me a seat.”
“We’ll miss you here. Good luck with your new career.”

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