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صحبت های طی ملاقات یا جلسات اداری به زبان انگلیسی

صحبت های طی ملاقات یا جلسات اداری به زبان انگلیسی

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سوالاتی که در طول جلسه پرسیده می شود

“I have a question. Why is marketing not handling the portion on end user analysis? They usually did this work in the past.”

“How will the new addition to our project affect the deadline that we have?”

“Are we making sure to incorporate user feedback on the changes we are making?”

اظهار نظر هایی که در طی جلسه می توانید مطرح کنید

“I agree with Mark. The correct approach is to send out the tools to our partners before making it public to everyone.”

“In my opinion, I think we should introduce our new line of printers in August. Many companies get more funding at this time, and students are school shopping. Our target market will be more responsive to our ads during this time period.”

“I think we can go either way. I believe both solutions will take care of it.”

سوال برای واضح شدن مطالبی که در طول جلسه مطرح می شود

“I didn’t understand why we are going to be late. I thought we had everything planned out early. What were the reasons again?”

“Can you elaborate on how this process can help the sales department?”

“Can you clarify the second step in your solution proposal? I don’t understand why it is necessary.”

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