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مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد سفارش دسر

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مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد سفارش دسر

فایل صوتی مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد سفارش دسر

لطفا یک بار فایل صوتی مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد سفارش دسر را گوش دهید پس از آن فایل را همراه متن مکالمه گوش نمایید

مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد سفارش دسر

Number 1

معنی فارسیش کو؟
دانلود فایل

A: Did you enjoy your meal?
B: Yes, we really enjoyed it.
A: May I interest you in some dessert?
B: Yes, that sounds great.
A: Well, we have chocolate mousse cake, homemade fresh strawberry shortcake, and a spicy rum apple crisp for our specials.
B: The apple crisp sounds great.
A: Since there are four of you, would you like to split a second dessert?
B: Good suggestion. Could you please bring us a chocolate mousse cake and four dessert forks, please?
A: Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert?
B: Let’s have four coffees, please.
A: OK. I will be right back with your desserts and drinks.
B: Thank you! We have really enjoyed our meal here.

Number 2

معنی فارسیش کو؟
دانلود فایل

A: My name is Mary, and I will be your waitress tonight.
B: Thank you, Mary. We have been looking forward to trying out this restaurant.
A: Before your main course, would you like to order an appetizer?
B: Sure, that sounds great. Where are your appetizers listed?
A: There is a special appetizer menu right here in the center of the table.
B: The chicken and cheese quesadilla looks good. Is that pretty good?
A: You know, that is one of my favorites!
B: OK, I’ll take one order of that.
A: You could choose another appetizer for half price to share.
B: Perfect! Please add on an order of onion rings.

Number 3

معنی فارسیش کو؟
دانلود فایل

A: Did your meal meet with your approval?
B: Our meal was absolutely perfect!
A: How about a dessert to top off that wonderful meal?
B: Dessert sounds perfect, but I would like to split something with my friends.
A: On this evening’s dessert list, we have chocolate mousse cake, homemade fresh strawberry shortcake, and a spicy rum apple crisp.
B: I think that the apple crisp would be wonderful.
A: One dessert will serve two, so would you like to split a second one?
B: We would also like a piece of chocolate mousse cake. Could you bring us four dessert forks, please?
A: How about some coffee and tea with your dessert?
B: We are all tea drinkers. Please bring us four teas.
A: I will prepare your desserts and have someone bring you your drinks right away.
B: The hot drinks first would be great. Thanks!

مطالب بیشتر

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