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خانه » مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع تشویق کسی به دست از تنبلی برداشتن و کاری را انجام دادن

مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع تشویق کسی به دست از تنبلی برداشتن و کاری را انجام دادن

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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع تشویق کسی به دست از تنبلی برداشتن و کاری را انجام دادن

Encouraging someone to stop stalling and do something

Encouraging someone to stop stalling and do something
Lets see some action. (informal)
 Its now or never.
Take no prisoners! (informal)
 Fish or cut bait! (idiomatic)
Knock yourself out. (idiomatic)
= Try really hard.; Work as hard as you can.
Go for broke. (informal)
= Risk everything.
I expect to see some results soon.
Are you just going to stand there all day?
Are you just going to sit there?
Aren’t you going to do anything?
Are you just going to sit there like a bump on a log? (informal)
a bump on a log = a motionless object
You’re letting the world pass you by.

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