قلچماق به انگلیسی



Strong, muscular; a beefy ​person ​looks ​strong, ​heavy, and ​powerful:

پر زور، قوی، چهارشانه، هیکلدار، چاق و چله، گردن کلفت، نیرومند قلچماق، مثل غول

You’re a beefy chap; you don’t need a porter for your luggage.

تو یک آدم قلچماقی هستی و حمال لازم نداری که باربندت را بردارد.

Beefy (2)

more examples:

A beefy ​football ​player

He shrugged his beefy shoulders.

He was a beefy figure who never quite lost his German accent despite living all his adult life in the United States.

And if the broth were not a rich, beefy sauce but instead a light and delicate vegetable broth?

He wears large turbans, sports a long and bushy gray beard, is some six-feet three inches tall and weighs a beefy 250 pounds.

Never mind the fact that he was 45 pounds underweight when he auditioned to play the beefy lead.

The beefy general wrestled with her to push her away from his car.

Beefy (3)
“brawny,” 1743, from beef (n.) in colloquial extended sense “human muscle” + -y (2). Related: Beefiness.

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