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خوش آمدید به دانش آموز جدید

متن درباره خوش آمدید به دانش آموز جدید.دانشجوی جدید را به مدرسه، کلاس یا سمینار آموزشی فرا می گیرید

Welcome a new student to school , class , or a training seminar

Letter #1:
This will confirm our telephone notification of August 9 that you have been accepted into the Public Administration program sponsored by Doe School of Business. You will be joining 30 other outstanding students in a program that is becoming a leader in preparing young professionals for careers in public service. Our congratulations and warm welcome!

The two-year program is rigorous, so your regular attendance is strongly encouraged. As indicated in our brochure, Dean John Doe will begin the program on Monday with a lecture on professional ethics. A list of other preliminary workshops and presentations is enclosed. We look forward to meeting you in person.

خوش آمدید به دانش آموز جدید

Letter #2:
Thank you for your early enrollment for the summer seminar. We feel this year’s program will be the best ever.

Our representatives will meet you at the Springfield airport on September 10, and will transport you directly to the Doe resort. They should be quite conspicuous with red signs bearing the Doe logo.

Please take time to glance through the enclosed orientation packet so you will be familiar with the seminar’s focus. If you need any other information, call our offices at 555-5555.

Letter #3:
We are pleased to welcome you as a participant in the upcoming Doe Business Seminar. We are sure you will find, as have thousands of others, that Doe Business Seminar gives its participants the knowledge and the tools they need to compete in today’s global economy, while preparing them to be tomorrow’s business leaders.

You will find enclosed information on available housing near the Springfield conference site, including a block of rooms reserved at a special rate for participants. There is a free shuttle bus between the airport and all of the hotels listed; just look for the courtesy phones near the baggage claim area.

You will also find enclosed a schedule of lectures and workshops, as well as a list of materials we will provide for you. We suggest that you get a copy of John Doe’s recent book and read it before you arrive. Please contact us at 555-5555 if you have any questions, or we if can be of further assistance. We look forward to seeing you.

Letter #4:
Are you as excited about the new semester as I am? I’ve enclosed a course syllabus and a list of the novels we’ll read, so you can see what excites me. You can buy the novels at most any bookstore, though the one on campus has them all in one place. You should read the first book on the list before the first day of class. If you have any questions, my office hours are 2 to 4 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and 10 to 11 on Tuesday and Thursday, beginning August 24.

کالج ها و دانشگاه های کانادا

خوش آمدید به سهام دار جدید


آموزش آنلاین و خصوصی مکالمه

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