نامه درباره مواد / کمک

متن درباره نامه درباره مواد / کمک. مساعدت. یاری. مصالح

Materials / Aids

تعریف مواد

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Perhaps only exceeded by parents, you, as an educator, help prepare young people to make positive contributions to their family, community, and nation. Doe Educational Corporation can help you in that effort.

Doe Educational Corporation publishes guidance materials to help students choose a career. For over 20 years, we have helped thousands of young people make informed decisions about their life’s work.

(List prominent testimonials)

A sample brochure of Doe Educational Corporation’s line of products can be yours for the asking. And if you call today, we will send you a free copy of “Career Path” video. We guarantee you’ll like what you see! Call today 555-5555.


مهندسی مواد

Letter #2:
Dear (Name):

We are pleased to announce that the much-anticipated Doe Science Textbook has just come off the press. We are proud of this book that took ten years in the making. It covers the spectrum of subjects from (list) to (list). Please take a close look at the sample selections included.

Of particular note, we draw you attention to these items:

*(list prominent features)

Doe Science Textbook is already receiving rave reviews:

*(list testimonials)

Doe Science Textbook–the finest science book for students ever published.


P.S. Order now by (ordering information).

علم مواد

Letter #3:
Dear (name),

This is a reminder that the deadline to sign up for the annual Doe Library Sale is fast approaching. Your signed participation form must be returned to Doe Library by (date). You may mail or fax it to us at:

(address, fax)

Doe Library offers patrons the opportunity to purchase used library books at substantial savings. Discounts of up to 70% are not uncommon.

Participating in the annual Doe Library Sale has never been easier! Simply return the signed participation form. Then plan to visit us on (dates).

If you have any questions, please call or e-mail me at (phone, email)

Sincerely yours,

کمک دادن

Letter #4:
“Jane Doe’s Sewing Kits are just the thing I’ve been looking for…Quick and easy to make, yet with such professional looking results. My students love showing them off!”

Dear Teacher:

It’s time again to say thanks to you for your support, your encouragement and your suggestions. We started our company 12 years ago with a commitment to provide the highest quality sewing kits and customer service second to none. We also wanted to make your sewing classes as hassle free as possible.

We have listened to you. You have told us you wanted good quality, easy directions, and fast shipping. These things we guarantee. You are telling us that more rigid time constraints are making it necessary for you to have sewing kits that can be completed quickly and yet give the student a useful project that they can show off with pride.

The quote above from a teacher in Georgia is one of many that reaffirms that Jane Doe’s Sewing Kits are the answer to your need for QUICK AND EASY PROJECTS FOR SHORT COURSES.

When students use our pre-cut kits, they start sewing right away and they finish quickly using simple pressing and sewing techniques. And they love showing off their results.

We’re delighted that so many of you are using SEW KITS in your classroom. It really is easier! And you will be pleased with our wide variety of kits. We have something for everyone–from the practical to the whimsical.

Take a look at our projects in the enclosed catalog. Share with your students the opportunity to learn a new skill and have fun while they a doing it–with Jane Doe’s Sewing Kits! We look forward to hearing from you soon.


انواع کمک های فردی

Letter #5:
Dear Teacher,

We have updated our Doe Teaching Aids web site and want to invite you to visit us today. Here are just a few things you will find.

From heroic couplets to haikus, you will find a variety of lessons in our new Poetry Section. Teach a literary term each day; show students where they can publish their poetry; or read selections from Robert Frost.

Honor mothers this May with flowers and curricular activities. Our annual Mother’s Day Section has lessons for making tissue paper or crepe flowers. You will also find Mother’s Day writing ideas and a Mother’s Day crossword puzzle.

We announce our new Memorial Day Section that gives you ideas for teaching about veterans and their experiences in battle. Read about the history of conscription in the U.S., resourceful individuals who participated in the Civil War, and the last living veterans from different American wars.

Doe Teaching Aids is the web site especially for teachers. Make us your home page and visit us often. (Give web address)


معادل انگلیسی مواد

Letter #6:
Educational software is a treat for kids and parents alike–it combines the fun and imagination of video games with the valuable lessons and skills that give kids an advantage in school and in life.

Now, through this special offer for valued Doe-For-Kids customers, you can get our top-selling (product name) for just $19! Plus, we’ll include (premium product name) AND absolutely FREE! This offer expires October 31, so don’t miss your opportunity to take advantage of this valuable software package–order now!

(Product name) + (Premium product name) = Hours of Fun and Learning!

Kids love spending time with these wildly popular characters, while parents love watching their kids laugh and learn their way through essential preschool skills, including problem solving, word and number recognition, reading comprehension, and many more. And with a combined 12 prestigious awards, (product name) ensures that your child is learning from the best!

For just $19, you get:

* (list 5-7 one-sentence bullet points)

Let the learning and laughter begin! Order now to receive this world-class educational software for just $19 (add $5.95 for shipping and handling). Plus, we’ll send you (premium product name) absolutely FREE! But hurry–this offer expires October 31, so order now!

Order online today (web address), or call us toll-free at 555-5555.

(Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST)


This offer expires October 31!

نامه درباره مواد / کمک

بررسی تولید مواد با استحکام بالا

Letter #7:
Success can be measured with three words: ARE YOU HAPPY?

Dear Friend,

Hello. My name is John Doe. I have written a dynamic new book that was masterfully crafted to substantially increase your self-confidence and give you a dynamic attitude. It can actually make you smarter because the book focuses on teaching you to think in a new way that will raise your productivity and significantly enhance your self-esteem.

You know the saying, “First you sow and then you reap.”

Well, first you LEARN and then you EARN. To succeed at anything, you must first know what you are doing, and then you must do it in the right order.

My “Doe’s Success Secrets” is the Ultimate Success Guide. It shows you what you need to know and do in order to succeed. Make it easy on yourself. Buy this great new book and see for yourself how simple and easy success can be. By using the simple secrets in my book, you can have everything you want. And you will have more time to enjoy it, too.

*(list prominent features)

Why not let me help you? I will show you how to succeed in a series of easy steps that anyone can follow. Success can be FAST, EASY, and FUN!

You will see that you can have it all. And most important, you will know how to get it all. You will now be supercharged and super-smart. And doesn’t that prospect make you feel good?

(Order information)

PS: If you want to be an outstanding results-getter, this is the right book for you.

تقویت مغز به کمک مواد غذایی

Letter #8:
Want to BEAT A Speeding Ticket?

Dear Friend,

Don’t you have enough problems in life without having to worry about getting or paying a speeding ticket? Did you know that if you get a ticket you could be facing a big fine, suspension of your license, higher insurance premiums, and even cancellation of your insurance? Or you could get…


Here’s some of what you’ll learn…

*(list prominent features)

Order today and find out just how easy you can beat a speeding ticket!

ONLY $14.95 could save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars!

You cannot afford to be without Doe’s “BEAT THE SPEEDING TICKET” Booklet.

مواد خام

Letter #9:
Dear Mrs. Doe,

(Name of child) is reaching an important time in her life. Building relationships is becoming more and more essential, and as she grows older, she will use those skills on a daily basis. By enrolling her in the Doe Book Club, she will receive books, stationery supplies, and accessories for developing friendships and having fun.

Doe Book Club will help your daughter develop great friendship experiences. And what better way to get her to read than giving her material she is excited about–her friendships.

Her first order will include:

* (List contents and short descriptions)

Then, a new Doe Book Club packet will arrive at your home about every four weeks with another book about friends, more stationery with new items, and another special accessory–all with a unique theme ranging from outings to crafts.

(Name of child) will love all the great stuff–and you’ll love the price! Each packet of Doe Book Club is yours for only $9.99 (plus shipping and applicable sales tax). Each month the packet is conveniently delivered right to your door.

And you are always in control. You never have an obligation to buy anything, no minimums. You can skip a shipment, or you can cancel at any time.

Guaranteed satisfaction. All the books and materials sent in every packet must meet the same high standards for fun and education that Doe Book Club has maintained for over 40 years or your money back. If you are ever dissatisfied for any reason, we will happily refund your money or replace any shipment. We’ll do all we can to keep you satisfied.

Please mail in the order card today or call us at 555-5555.


P.S. If you order right now, we’ll send your daughter a FREE personalized pen-a $4.95 value!

مواد روان ساز و کمک فرایند

Letter #10:

Dear Friend:

I hear people complain about it all the time. “I can’t keep up with my reading, much less get ahead. If I only had the time!”

Well, guess what? With Doe Books on Tape you do have the time. Because you can get ahead with your reading while you get to work… get some exercise… get the housework done…

In fact, your idle time is an ideal time to have the original author or a renowned actor read to you!

And at the Doe Books on Tape Club, we have thousands of titles to choose from, including best-selling works of fiction and non-fiction as well as the most acclaimed books on personal development. In fact, once you have introduced Doe Books on Tape into your life, we think your main complaint will be:

“Why didn’t I try this before?”

Now you can, by enjoying these riveting bestsellers you never had time for, like (list best-selling titles and authors.)

The Doe Books on Tape Club also offers titles–from breakthroughs in your financial development like (list best-selling titles and authors). They’re all available at the Doe Books on Tape Club!

Best of all, you could be listening to Doe Books on Tape anywhere, anytime. For example…

* (list places and situations for listening to books of tape)

We think you’ll agree that Doe Books on Tape offer a unique opportunity to hear the works of best-selling authors in their own words, as well as intimate performances by your favorite Hollywood actors.

Here’s how to get your first 5 Doe Books on Tape for just $10 (plus shipping and handling).

It’s easy. Just choose any 5 titles from the enclosed brochure and mail it today. If you see a sixth Doe Books on Tape that you’d like as well, that’s even better–you can order it now at the special price of just $8.95, plus shipping and handling.

Send NO money now; you will be billed later. We’ll send your selections for you to preview risk-free. If you are not completely satisfied, return them within 10 days for a complete refund. You will be under no further obligation. If you keep your Doe Books on Tape and become a member, you agree to buy just 2 more selections at regular club prices, which are as low as $9.95, over the next year.

So if you want to get ahead with your career, your finances, your health, your relationships, your LIFE–it’s time to get started. Order today to get your first five Doe Books on Tape for just $10–and experience the power of Doe Books on Tape!


P.S. if you respond within 10 days–we’ll send you a FREE (name of premium). But hurry! Supplies are limited.

مواد کمک آموزشی

Letter #11:

Dear (name),

No book deal gives you so much and for so little. When you join Doe Book Club’s unbeatable offer, you’re guaranteed to receive 9 great books while paying for only 1.

Act now and get 9 books for the price of 1, with nothing more to buy, ever!

To take advantage of this unbeatable offer, all you have to do is choose 9 FREE books from the enclosed brochure. Then take up to one full year to buy just 1 book at the regular Club price.

Other book clubs make you buy up to 5 books, and we all know how expensive book stores are. But with membership in Doe Book Club, you get 9 books for the price of 1, with no commitment to purchase another book, ever. You’ll save well over $100 on your new books. Shipping and handling will be added to each selection.

Check out the enclosed brochure. You’ll find the books you want!

No matter what type of books you’re into, you’ll find it at Doe Book Club–after all, what good is a bunch of books if they’re not from your favorites! Biographies, Fiction, How-to, Classics…if you like it, we’ve got it!

In fact, with Doe Book Club, you’ll have over 10,000 books to choose from, and as a member you’ll have the opportunity to save on all your favorites. You’ll receive a members-only magazine 17 times a year, listing the books you love. You’ll get special deals like ‘Two for One,” and “Unlimited Titles At 65% Off.” Plus, with each purchase, you’ll earn Bonus Points that you can redeem for more FREE books.

But remember, you are never obligated to buy anything. At Doe Book Club we never hassle or pressure you. You can buy nothing, or you can buy a stack at significant savings–the decision is always yours! Please review the enclosed order form for complete membership details.

Decide for yourself.

You have nothing to lose.

Take advantage of this special offer today. Order your books and enjoy them for 10 days while reviewing the membership information. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, just return the books at our expense and that will be the end of it. You’ll pay nothing, you’ll owe nothing.

You’re probably already looking forward to your new library of books. Don’t delay–start selecting your FREE books now!

مدیریت عمومی انسجام و هماهنگی کمک مواد غذایی

Letter #12:
Dear John,

Can you imagine your child wanting to sit down and learn 200 years of U.S. history? Let (Name of Product) make your dream a reality–just in time for back to school! Packed with adventure and intrigue, (Name of Product) journeys through the decades and across the country to make learning the United State’s rich history interesting and exciting–as though your child were living it!

A Learning Adventure That Knows No Boundaries!

Discover more than 50 historical figures as you travel in time from the pre-Revolutionary War era to the launch of the first person into space. You child will explore American history, learn about important events, personalities, and achievements, venture through American Indian civilizations and cultures, and even witness scientific advances. As your child learns history (cleverly disguised as mystery adventures), he will develop skills in research, analysis, comprehension, and more. This CD-ROM is full of historical information so your child can dig deeper on his quest through time.

The kind of world our children will live in depends on their education! Order (Name of Product) today for just $19.99 (plus $5.95 for shipping and handling). But don’t wait, this offer expires October 17.


John Doe

Vice President

جعبه کمک‌های اولیه

Letter #13:
Dear Robert,

Join Sammy and Abby on a seaside adventure full of laughter and learning! With Sammy’s and Abby’s Adventures , discover the ocean through dozens of fun activities.

Right now you can have Sammy’s and Abby’s Adventures for just $17. Order now to treat your child to countless hours of entertainment and education.

Learning Adventures that Span the Sea!

From counting jumping dolphins to identifying different beach critters, there’s always something to be learned with Sammy and Abby. And with DOE technology, the learning experience automatically adjusts to your child’s skill level and performance, so the adventures always remain challenging and fun!

Sammy’s and Abby’s Adventures offers more than seven fun-filled areas and dozens of activities including:

* Problem Solving–Repair the sand castle by solving the puzzle.

* Compare–Help Sammy compare the colors in the sunset.

* Pattern Recognition–Make a sea shell necklace and build your pattern recognition skills.

* Thinking–Create funny family photo album to record your adventure.

* Following Directions–Make and decorate your own toy boat using household items.

* Shapes & Colors–Assemble and color a lei.

* Creativity–Plan your own beach party complete with games, luau and invitations!

And more!

Order today to invite Sammy and Abby into your home for just $17 (plus $5.95 for shipping and handling) and discover how much fun learning can be. But don’t wait–this is a limited time offer, so order before July 10th!

از مصرف مواد تا کمک

Letter #14:
Dear John,

Learning software is a treat for kids and parents alike. Now, with our exciting top-selling Doe for Kids Preschool package, you’ll get three different award-winning software titles featuring beloved learning pals Sammy and Abby for just $19! This offer expires July 13th, so don’t miss your opportunity to get this irresistible software package–order now!

Doe for Kids Preschool + Sammy’s Adventures + Abby’s First Day = Hours of Fun and Learning!

With a combined 15 prestigious awards, the titles in Doe for Kids Preschool ensure your child is learning from the best! Your child won’t be able to wait for the next fun, exciting learning adventure. For just $19, you get:

Doe for Kids Preschool

Ages 4-6–Develop critical thinking skills when you plan a surprise birthday party for Arnold the Aardvark.

Sammy’s Adventures

Ages 4-6–Math is your ticket to thrilling rides and fun-filled games when you explore an amusement park with Sammy and Abby.

Abby’s First Day–Reading skills are the key to Abby’s first day at preschool.

Kids love spending time with these wildly popular characters, while parents love watching their kids laugh and learn their way through essential preschool skills, including problem solving, word and number recognition, reading comprehension, and much more!

Invite Sammy and Abby over to play and let the learning and laughter begin. Order now to receive these three world-class educational software titles for just $19 (add $5.95 for shipping and handling). But hurry–this offer expires June 13th!

Order online today or call us toll-free at 800-555-5555 (Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00 PM).


This offer expires June 13th.

کمک مواد غذایی.مواد کمک دارویی.مقاله تاثیر مواد تنظیم کننده رشد و کمک.فراخوان برای کمک

Letter #15:
$100,000 would make a great start to a college fund!

Plus, you can get 6 FREE gifts!

It’s never too early to think about your child’s education. Right now is a great time to join with Doe’s Children’s Magazine to get a head start on that education. Doe’s A,B,C’s books will enrich, educate and entertain your child with an engaging story for each letter in the alphabet. This collection of 26 books makes learning the alphabet fun, and when learning is fun, children learn faster!

Plus, you can get 6 FREE gifts worth $29.95! Look below to see how.

And don’t forget to enter our $125,000 Sweepstakes. It’s fast, easy, and there’s no obligation. Wouldn’t that make a great start to your child’s college fund?

Best Wishes for Good Parenting,

The Editors of Doe’s Children’s Magazine

Letter #16:
Dear Governor,

We have enclosed for your review a report entitled “Drug Abuse in Our Schools,” written by an independent substance abuse agency that surveyed 25 high schools statewide. This report can be readily used as a reference document.

Also enclosed are current reviews on substance abuse programs that have worked well in surrounding states.

I would like to thank you for your time in reviewing this report. I am convinced that your continued interest will reap great rewards for our state’s school system in the near future.



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