نامه مدیریت زمان

متن درباره نامه مدیریت زمان. اداره زمان. مدیران زمان

Time Management

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Time management training for your employees is such an essential element of corporate success.

What has held you back from investing in it?

No time?

Low commitment from upper management?

Worried about the downtime impact of pulling employees from their responsibilities?

I can provide you time management training that won’t cost anything up front. And management won’t get upset, because I won’t take employees away from work. Interested?

I only need five minutes of your time to explain how and why Doe Time/Management training is right for you. I’ll call you next week–and I promise to keep our conversation to five minutes.


نامه مدیریت زمان

اداره زمان. مدیران زمان.مدیریت زمان را بهتر بشناسیم. اصول مدیریت زمان. تعریف مدیریت زمان.تاریخچه مدیریت زمان

Letter #2:
Dear Hospital Professional:

Here’s the help you’ve been asking for–solutions to your outpatient PPS coding, billing and reimbursement challenges in one easy-to-use resource. With the Doe APC Resource Book, it’s all at your fingertips so you and your staff can…

*(List prominent features)

Along with the Doe APC Resource Book, your subscription includes a CD-ROM with key documentation to support your billing decisions, including a full listing of:

*(List primary contents)

*and more!

Plus, your subscription entitles you to quarterly updates for this year so you stay current on all critical changes.

Save $40 on your Subscription.

Take advantage of this special offer and save $40. Order your Doe APC Resource Book today. There’s no risk, because you have our 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

If you decide the Doe APC Resource Book isn’t everything we claim, return it within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund the entire cost of the subscription.

With your Doe APC Resource Book and quarterly updates, you’ll be confident of accurate APC coding throughout your organization and of compliance with CMS’s complex outpatient PPS rules.


P.S. Order today and save $40! Or call toll free 1-800-555-5555.

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