پرش به محتوا

نامه جمع آوری کنید

متن نامه درباره نامه جمع آوری کنید. مجموع نامه ها. تالیف کردن مجموع نامه ها.نوشتن جمع آوری نامه ها

Write a collection letter

Letter #1:
I am writing because of the $200 overdue balance on your account. Our previous letters have repeatedly urged you to make payments. We need to resolve this. Your choice is to send a check for $200 in the enclosed envelope by June 30, or call me to discuss other arrangements. If you do not respond, my only remaining choice will be to turn the matter over to a collection agency. Please send your check to avoid further action.

Letter #2:
This notice is to inform you that our finance department reports that your account is delinquent. Your payment of $589.00 was due six weeks ago. Each of us at Doe Corporation recognizes your patronage as consistent and valuable. We sincerely hope to continue our business relationship.

Please send your payment now. Should you need to speak with a financial representative, one will be pleased to discuss payment options with you.

نامه جمع آوری کنید

Letter #3:
Your account continues delinquent. We posted your last payment more than 90 days ago. I am sure you realize that failure to correct this problem may adversely affect your credit record. Further, we will be forced to pursue other available methods. If you have not already sent your payment of $100, please do so. If you are unable to do make this payment, contact us so we can discuss other possible arrangements.

Letter #4:
According to our records, we have not received July’s payment on your account. The amount due in July, plus a late fee added to your August payment, comes to $231.14.

We must receive your payment by August 25 or we will have to suspend your account until your payments are brought up to date.

If you have further questions, or need to work out another payment plan, please call John Doe at 555-5555.

آیین نامه جمع آوری و استناد پذیری

Letter #5:
An urgent reminder: Your subscription payment is past due.

We have sent you several notices, but so far they have been ignored.

We had no choice but to suspend delivery of your journal–that is until we receive payment.

Mail the enclosed invoice with your payment or fax us at 555-5555 and pay by credit card. Pay today to reinstate your subscription.

If you have already mailed payment, please accept our apologies and disregard this notice.

پیشنهاد برنامه برای پرداخت

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