پرش به محتوا

نامه شکایت درباره صورتحساب

متن درباره نامه شکایت درباره صورتحساب. شکایت در مورد خطای صورتحساب. نامه شکایت درباره  خطا صدور صورتحساب

complaint about a billing error

Letter #1:
On January 23 I had my 2002 Oldsmobile serviced in your Springfield Lubrication Center, and charged it to my Doe credit card. I have just received my credit card statement and notice that the charge appears twice on the same date. I remember the technician having problems with the computer, so I assume the double-billing was the result of some mistake at that time.

I am enclosing a copy of my bill. I believe the best way to correct the problem would be for you to credit my card account with the amount charged for the service. If you will handle this problem immediately, I think everything will be okay. Thank you.

نامه شکایت درباره صورتحساب

Letter #2:
When I attended your clearance sale last month, I opened a credit account in order to receive the free gift. Earlier in the day I had made a cash purchase for $39.99. Somehow that purchase showed up as a charge on my credit card bill this month. I am not sure how such a mistake can happen, but I trust you will correct the error immediately by crediting my account with the $39.99.

Enclosed is a copy of the receipt showing that I made a cash purchase of the item that appears on the bill. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter–and thanks for the toaster.

سازمان تنظیم مقررات و ارتباطات

Letter #3:
Your brochure advertised a “Romantic Weekend for two for only $355.” When my credit card statement arrived, I discovered that the “Romantic Weekend” cost more than $2,000. I am sure there must be a mistake. The bill was posted to my account on May 5, and the reference number was 5555-5555. I have enclosed copies of the statement and the brochure. I trust you will make the necessary adjustments. Thank you for taking care of this as soon as possible.

درخواست نامه های شکایت

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