پرش به محتوا

نامه تقاضای توضیح

متن درباره نامه تقاضای توضیح.تقاضای توضیح برای لغو اعتبار. درخواست توضیح برای رد اعتبار

Ruquest an explanation for a denial of credit

Letter #1:
I just received your letter denying my application for credit due to “late payment history” and “insufficient income.” I have never been late on any payments and I just received a raise. Either there was a mistake in your evaluation or the credit information you used was incorrect. Would you please reconsider my application? If there is any additional information you need, please let me know.

نامه تقاضای توضیح

Letter #2:
Yesterday, I received your letter denying our request for a credit account. We are puzzled by your decision as we have an excellent credit history. Will you please tell us why you denied the application? We can only assume that one of our credit references has made an error. We will be happy to supply you with the correct information with appropriate documentation, so that you can reconsider our application.

Letter #3:
I have just received your letter refusing my request for a credit line. Will you please tell me what factors specifically lead to your decision to deny me credit? I am concerned that one of my references must have misreported my credit history information, as I have been meticulous in maintaining a spotless credit record, and my debt load is very modest relative to my income. Please tell me which of my references reported negative information on me, so that I may resolve this matter with them. I have reviewed copies of all the forms I submitted to you and found them to be correct. I hope that you will promptly reconsider my credit request and inform me of the result as soon as possible.

ارزيابي عوامل موثر بر عرضه و تقاضا

Letter #4:
Your denial of our recent credit application has caught us off guard. As we were very confident of acceptance, we are hoping you will provide us with an explanation of your decision. We are aware that John’s name has been confused with another H. Doe in the past, and fear that this may have been the case once more. We will be happy to resubmit our income and debt information if this will help in your re-evaluation of our file. Please contact our office when you have reviewed our application and arrived at a decision.

اعلام بدهکار یک چک

صحبت در مورد زندگی زناشویی _ سوال از دوستان به زبان انگلیسی


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