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مکالمه در مورد احساس ترس یا وحشت به زبان انگلیسی

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مکالمه در مورد احساس ترس یا وحشت به زبان انگلیسی



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Some people really don’t get scared that much. Others get scared all the time. Usually ladies will get more scared than the guys. But even if you don’t get scared that much, it is still good to learn this lesson because you might be talking to someone who gets scared easily. Let’s begin.

There are several synonyms for scared that are commonly used.

کلماتی که با scared هم معنی می باشند و مترادف

Freaked out

عبارات عمومی

“I’m scared.”
“I get scared when I’m alone at night.”
“I get scared pretty easily.”
“I get scared watching a horror movie.”

“It’s frightening walking home at night.”
“I didn’t know the mirror was there so I was frightened when I saw my reflection.”
“My little daughter gets frightened easily, so we keep the light on for her until she goes to sleep.”

Freaked out is more of a slang term used among the guys. My friends think it is a little girlish to say they are scared. So instead, they use the word freaked out.

“When I was at a public bath room, three guys surrounded my stall waiting for me to leave. I was so freaked out.”
“I got freaked out when I saw the bat fly across the room.”
“It’s freaky walking through a dark park at night.”

“She was so terrified that she turned blue for a second.”
“It was a terrifying experience. We were both freaking out.”
“I was terrified watching that movie.”

“If you’re afraid, then you don’t have to do it.”
“My wife is afraid of the dark.”
“When I was little, I was afraid of everything.”
“I’m not afraid of death.”

“I fear that we’ll lose the war.”
“I fear that he’ll get away.”
“You shouldn’t let fear control you.”
“He fears that you will be mad.”






Afraid or Scared – General Sentences
Listen to the Entire Lesson

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“Do you get scared easily?”
“Do you get scared watching horror movies?”
“Are you afraid of the dark?”
“What was the most terrifying experience you ever had?”
“Do you get scared when you are at home by yourself?”
“What do you do when you feel scared?”
“Are you afraid of death?”

“Hey Theresa, I just watched a movie and I’m scared. Do you want to get together?”
“If you’re not busy, do you want to come over? I just watched a movie and I’m afraid to be alone.”

General Sentences

دیگر عبارات عمومی

“My dog gets scared during fourth of July.”
“My dog gets scared when he hears a loud noise.”

“My wife hates watching scary movies. She’s afraid of ghosts.”
“My little brother is afraid of his own room. He thinks there’s a monster in the closet.”
“My sister is terrified of spiders. She screams every time she sees one.”

“I’m not afraid of ghosts and monsters. They’re all fake.”
“When I was young, I used to get scared, but it all changed when I grew up.”
“I remember being afraid of a lot of things when I was younger.”

“The whole country was scared after the 9/11 attack.”
“The leaders of America said we shouldn’t live in fear.”

When someone is scared, one instinct is to run away from the situation. The phrase, ‘running scared’ is used this way.

“Why is he running scared?”
“Is the government running scared?”
“The revealed secret had the CEO running scared.”

running scared= فرار از وضعیتی که باعث ایجاد ترس شده است

Being scared does not always imply being frightened or afraid of monsters. A grown person can use this word if he or she is worried about something. Here are some examples.

“My company is downsizing. It’s a little scary going through this. I don’t know if I will have a job next month.”
“I’m afraid my company is going to lay off our whole department.”
“It’s a little scary waiting for the test results. This is so important to me. I really hope I pass.”

“If I tell her, I’m afraid she’s going to blow up.”
“I’m afraid to tell her because she’s going to be mad.”


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