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مکالمات انگلیسی مروری در مورد احساسات

مکالمات انگلیسی مروری در مورد احساسات


فایل صوتی

number 1

A: “Hey Matt. I just got a job at a consulting firm.”
B: “Congratulations. That’s great!”
A: “I’m so happy. I don’t have to worry about finding a job and interviewing anymore.”
B: “When do you start?”
A: “I start next Monday.”
B: “You’re going to have to put in a lot of hours you know.”
A: “I know. I’m a little nervous, but it’s pretty exciting.”
B: “I bet. You must be stoked.”
A: “Yeah. I’m going to celebrate tonight. Wanna hang out?”
B: “Sure. It’s on you right?”
A: “Of course. How about Toby? Should we call him?”
B: “I don’t know. He’s a little depressed. He’s having a hard time finding a job right now.”
A: “I should still tell him. In the least, I can refer him to my company. It might help.”
B: “That sounds like a good idea.”


number 2

فایل صوتی

A: “Why the long face?”
B: “I’m getting sick of work man. I can’t take the political bullshit in the company any more.”
A: “Did you just get your review or something?”
B: “Yeah, but that’s not why I am upset. I just found out another guy got a promotion. He doesn’t know how to do anything. He sits there and kisses the managers butt all day long.”
A: “That sucks.”
B: “I’m just pissed that management can’t see behind his smooth talking lies.”
A: “Look on the bright side. At least you have a job.”
B: “Yeah. I shouldn’t stress about this anymore. It’s not like I can do anything about it.”
A: “Exactly. Instead, we should have some drinks tonight.”
B: “You read my mind. How about talking shit about work over a cold bottle of beer.”
A: “Now you’re talking


number 3

فایل صوتی

A: “Martha. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
B: “Jake just broke up with me.”
A: “I’m sorry. When did this happen?”
B: “Yesterday. I didn’t even know it was coming. He just told me he found someone else.”
A: “What a jerk. He doesn’t deserve you.”
B: “But it still hurts. I thought I loved him.”
A: “He didn’t treat you that well either. Maybe you don’t want to hear this, but I think you can do better.”
B: “Better or worse, it doesn’t matter. I had a lot of feelings for him. I really liked him”
A: “It must be really painful. I remember when Josh and I broke up. I was crying for a week.”
B: “I know I’ll get over him. My first break up was painful because I was naïve.”
A: “Exactly. You’ll find someone again. You should get your mind off of this. Let’s go shopping.”
B: “Maybe tomorrow. I don’t feel like it tonight.”
A: “How about coffee down the street?”
B: “Sure.”


number 4

فایل صوتی

A: “What are you doing here on the bench? You’ve been here for an hour.”
B: “I’m just thinking about Lucy. I can’t get her out of my mind. I think I’m falling in love.”
A: “Crazy boy. You barely know her.”
B: “It doesn’t matter. I like everything about her. I like the way she talks, the way she walks, her hair and her lips. I would give anything to kiss her.”
A: “Did you tell her how you feel?”
B: “No way. I’ll scare her away.”
A: “You won’t know until you tell her.”
B: “Maybe later. But right now, all I can think about is her legs and her face. She is so beautiful.”
A: “You’re wasting your time. At least talk to her. You don’t have to tell her how you feel.”
B: “Yeah. I started talking to her in my Poly Sci class. I try to sit next to her as much as I can.”
A: “That’s a start. After awhile, you’ll find out if she is everything you make her out to be.”
B: “It won’t matter because I love everything she does.”
A: “Dude, you’re blind as a bat. You’re just infatuated with her.”
B: “These feelings are too strong to be infatuation.”
A: “We’ll see in a couple of weeks. Let’s go grab something to eat. You’re human aren’t you?”
B: “To think of it, I am a little hungry. Ok. Let’s go.”

مطالب مرتبط

مکالمه انگلیسی درباره استرس و اضطراب

مکالمه انگلیسی درباره حال و احوال

مکالمه انگلیسی درباره ناامیدی

مکالمه انگلیسی درباره شور و شوق


آموزش آنلاین و خصوصی مکالمه

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