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مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا

مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا

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لطفا یک بار فایل صوتی ” مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا ”  را گوش دهید پس از آن فایل را همراه متن گوش نمایید

مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا

معنی فارسیش کو؟
لینک دانلود

A: It’s an ugly day today.
B: I know. I think it may rain.
A: It’s the middle of summer, it shouldn’t rain today.
B: That would be weird.
A: Yeah, especially since it’s ninety degrees outside.
B: I know, it would be horrible if it rained and it was hot outside.
A: Yes, it would be.
B: I really wish it wasn’t so hot every day.
A: Me too. I can’t wait until winter.
B: I like winter too, but sometimes it gets too cold.
A: I’d rather be cold than hot.
B: Me too.

مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا

معنی فارسیش کو؟
لینک دانلود

A: It doesn’t look very nice outside today.
B: You’re right. I think it’s going to rain later.
A: In the middle of the summer, it shouldn’t be raining.
B: That wouldn’t seem right.
A: Considering that it’s over ninety degrees outside, that would be weird.
B: Exactly, it wouldn’t be nice if it started raining. It’s too hot.
A: I know, you’re absolutely right.
B: I wish it would cool off one day.
A: That’s how I feel, I want winter to come soon.
B: I enjoy the winter, but it gets really cold sometimes.
A: I know what you mean, but I’d rather be cold than hot.
B: That’s exactly how I feel.

مکالمه انگلیسی در مورد آب و هوا

معنی فارسیش کو؟
لینک دانلود

A: I wish it was a nicer day today.
B: That is true. I hope it doesn’t rain.
A: It wouldn’t rain in the middle of the summer.
B: It wouldn’t seem right if it started raining right now.
A: It would be weird if it started raining in ninety degree weather.
B: Any rain right now would be pointless.
A: That’s right, it really would be.
B: I want it to cool down some.
A: I know what you mean, I can’t wait until it’s winter.
B: Winter is great. I wish it didn’t get so cold sometimes though.
A: I would rather deal with the winter than the summer.
B: I feel the same way.

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