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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع وقتی چیزی کمتر از حد انتظار شماست

مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع وقتی چیزی کمتر از حد انتظار شماست

Regarding something less than what was desired

Regarding something less than what was desired
I was hoping for more.
I was counting on more.
I was gunning for more.
It’s not what I had in mind.
 It’s not what I pictured.
It’s not what I hoped for.
 It’s not what I had hoped for.
It’s not what I expected.
It’s not what I anticipated.
I expected something more.
It’s a far cry from what I expected.
It leaves a lot to be desired.
They got the best of me.
I’ve been cheated.
I didn’t get what I bargained for.
I was taken advantage of
I got left holding the bag.
I got = I’ve been, I was
I got gypped. (informal)
gypped = cheated
I got rooked. (informal)
rooked = cheated
 I got the short end of the stick.
the short end of the stick = the losing part of a bargain.
 I got robbed. (informal)
 I got taken. (informal)
I got taken to the cleaners. (informal)
I’ve been taken to the cleaners
 I got a bum deal. (informal)
a bum deal = a bad deal; an unfair deal
I got a raw deal.(informal)
a raw deal = a bad deal; an unfair deal
I got screwed. (mildly vulgar)

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