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خانه » مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع درخواست ملاقات کسی

مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع درخواست ملاقات کسی

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مکالمه انگلیسی با موضوع درخواست ملاقات کسی

Asking to visit someone

Guests and Hosts
Asking to visit someone
Are you free later today?
Could I come over later today?
Can I come over?
Do you mind if I stop by later today?
Would you mind if I stopped by later?
Would it be a problem if I dropped by for a few minutes?
Would it be all right if I dropped by for a few minutes?
Are you busy or can I come over?
When would be a good time for me to come over?
When’s a good time for you?
I’ll be there by seven.
I’ll be there after dinner.

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مکالمه انگلیسی درباره دعوت و ملاقات